  * Graduate/Undergraduate Student  
  O Conference/Workshop Paper    O Journal Article/Book Chapter
O Technical Report, Dissertation, or Other Informal Publication
O   Sultana, K., Anu, V., Chong, T.*, “Using software metrics for predicting vulnerable classes in java and python based systems,” Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, July 2023.
O   Patel D.*, Patel, H.*, Sultana, K.Z., and Anu, V., "Programmer Cognition Failures as the Root Cause of Software Vulnerabilities: A Preliminary Review," 2023 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Provo, UT, USA, pp. 242-246, May 12-13 2023.
O   Anu, V., Hagiwara, S., Herbert, K.G., Sultana, K.Z., Shin, M., Goldstein, R.A., and Virella, P.M., "Teachers' Perception and Experiences of Computer Science Education in K-8 Schools," 2023 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Provo, UT, USA, pp. 226-231, May 12-13 2023.
O   Reyes, A.*, and Anu, V., "The Offshore Power Portal: A Web-Based Repository to Improve Offshore Wind Knowledge Dissemination," 2023 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Provo, UT, USA, pp. 339-343, May 12-13 2023.
O   Herbert, K.G., Anu, V., Sultana, K.Z., Robila, S., Miller, J.R., Hagiwara, S., Goldstein, R.A., and Marlowe, T.J., "Professional and Capacity Building in K-12 Computer Science Education: A Multi-Faceted Approach," 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (ACM SIGCSE), Toronto, ON, Canada, March 15-18, 2023.
O   [Invited Article] Khanneh, S.*, Anu, V., "Security Requirements Prioritization Techniques: A Survey and Classification Framework," MDPI Software, vol. 1, issue 4, pp. 450–472, October 2022.
O   Dave, D*, Celestino, A.*, Varde, A. S., and Anu, V., "Management of Implicit Requirements Data in Large SRS Documents: Taxonomy and Techniques," ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 51, issue 2, pp. 18-29, July 2022.
Open access version available here: SIGMOD Record  
O   bpa6 Best Presenter Award
Dave, D.*, Anu, V., "Identifying Functional and Non-functional Software Requirements From User App Reviews," 
2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), pp. 845-850, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 1-4, 2022.
doi: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS55184.2022.9795770
O   bpa6 Best Research Paper Award
Fernandez, N.*, Anu, V., "Studying-Alive: A Holistic Wellness Application for College Students," 
2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), pp. 851-857, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 1-4, 2022.
doi: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS55184.2022.9795741
O   Dave, D.*, Anu, V., and Varde, A. S., "Automating the Classification of Requirements Data," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 5878-5880, Orlando, FL, USA, December 15-18 2021. 
doi: 10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671548.
O   Fernandez, N.*, Anu, V., "Text Mining Algorithms for Cancer Diagnostics," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 5891-5893, Orlando, FL, USA, December 15-18 2021. 
doi: 10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671668.
O   Syed, S.*, Anu, V., "Digital Evidence Data Collection: Cloud Challenges," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 6032-6034, Orlando, FL, USA, December 15-18 2021.
doi: 10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9672014.
O   Chuka‑Maduji, N.*, Anu, V., "Cloud Computing Security Challenges and Related Defensive Measures: A Survey and Taxonomy," SpringerNature Computer Science (SNCS), vol 2, issue 4, article 331, July 2021. [Read-only view of the article available at this link:]
O   Anu, V., “Information security governance metrics: a survey and taxonomy,” , Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, vol 31, issue 4, pp. 466-478, May 2021. [PDF]
O   bpa6 Best Research Paper Award
Bier, S.*, Fajardo, B.*, Ezeadum,O.*, Guzman, G.*, Sultana, K. Z., and Anu, V., "Mitigating Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities: A Study on Tomcat and Android Security Updates," 
2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), pp. 874-879, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 21-24, 2021.
doi: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS52119.2021.9422666
O    bpa8 Best Research Paper Award
Torres, J.*, Anu, V., Varde, A. S., "Understanding the Information Disseminated Using Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic," 
2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), pp. 418-423, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 21-24, 2021.
doi: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS52119.2021.9422523
O   Torres, J.*, Anu, V., Varde, A. S., and Duran, C.*, "My-Covid-Safe-Town: A mobile application to support post-Covid recovery of small local businesses," 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), pp. 670-676, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 21-24, 2021.
doi: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS52119.2021.9422594
O   bpa6 Top Cited Article
Sultana, K., Anu, V., Chong, T.*, “
Using Software Metrics for Predicting Vulnerable Classes and Methods in Java Projects: A Machine Learning Approach,” Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Volume 33, Issue 3, e2303, March 2021
O   Singh, M., Anu, V., “Graph Based CIA in Requirements Engineering,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 5828-5830, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 10-13, 2020.
doi: 10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9377995
O   Onyeka, E., Varde, A., Anu, V.,  Tandon, N., Daramola, O., "Using Commonsense Knowledge and Text Mining for Implicit Requirements Localization," IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp. 935-940, November 9-11, 2020.
doi: 10.1109/ICTAI50040.2020.00146
O   Anu, V., Sultana, K., Samanthula, B., "A Human Error Based Approach to Understanding Programmer-Induced Software Vulnerabilities," IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), pp. 49-54, October 12-15, 2020.
doi: 10.1109/ISSREW51248.2020.00036  
O   Singh, M., Anu, V., Walia, G., “A Vertical Breadth-First Multilevel Path Algorithm to Find All Paths in a Graph,” in Data Management and Analysis: Studies in Big Data, vol 65. Springer, Cham., pp. 155-183, 2020
O   Onyeka, E., Anu, V., Varde, A., "Identifying Implicit Requirements in SRS Big Data," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 6169-6171, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Dec 9-12, 2019. 
O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Bradshaw, G. and Alqudah, M.*, "Developing and Evaluating Learning Materials to Introduce Human Error Concepts in Software Engineering Courses: Results from Industry and Academia," 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 1-9, 16-19 Oct. 2019.
doi: 10.1109/FIE43999.2019.9028461
O   Chong, T.*, Anu, V., Sultana, K., "Using Software Metrics for Predicting Vulnerable Code-Components: A Study on Java and Python Open Source Projects," 22nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (IEEE CSE), August 1st-3rd, 2019, NY, USA. [PDF]
O    Anu, V., "Using Human Error Models to Improve the Quality of Software Requirements," In PROQUESTMS (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global), Order No. 10831218, North Dakota State University, 2018, Ann Arbor, USA. [PDF
O   Manjunath, K., Anu, V., Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G., "Training Industry Practitioners to Investigate the Human Error Causes of Requirements Faults," 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), Memphis, TN, USA, 2018, pp. 53-58.
[Acceptance Rate: 32%]

O   Anu, V., Hu, W., Carver, J., Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G. “Development of a Human Error Taxonomy for Software Requirements: A Systematic Literature Review”, Information and Software Technology (2018).
[Impact Factor: 2.768]
O   Hu, W., Carver, J., Anu, V., Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G. “Using Human Error Information for Error Prevention”, Empir Software Eng (2018).
[Impact Factor: 2.93]

doi =

Full-text also available here:
O   Singh, M., Anu, V., Walia, G., Goswami, A. “Validating Requirements Reviews by Introducing Fault-Type Level Granularity: A Machine Learning Approach”, 11th ACM Innovations in Software Engineering Conference. ISEC 2018. February 9-11, Hyderabad, India.
[Acceptance Rate=25.7%]
doi =
O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Hu, W., Carver, J., and Bradshaw, G. “Issues and Opportunities for Human Error-based Requirements Inspections: An Exploratory Study”, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ESEM 2017. November 9-10, Toronto, Canada.
[Acceptance Rate: 19%]

DOI = 10.1109/ESEM.2017.62
O   Hu, W., Carver, J., Anu, V., Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G. "Understanding Human Errors in Software Requirements: An Online Survey", 23rd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. REFSQ 2017. Essen, Germany. Feb. 27 - March 2, 2017 [PDF]  
O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Bradshaw, G., Hu, W., and Carver, J. "Using Human Error Abstraction Method for Detecting and Classifying Requirements Errors: A Live Study", 23rd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. REFSQ 2017. Essen, Germany. Feb. 27 - March 2, 2017. Published under: REFSQ 2017 Joint Proceedings [PDF]  
O   Hu, W., Carver, J., Anu, V., Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G. "Defect Prevention in Requirements Using Human Error Information: An Empirical Study.", 23rd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. REFSQ 2017. Essen, Germany. Feb. 27 - March 2, 2017
[Acceptance Rate=32.4%] [PDF]
O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Bradshaw, G., Hu, W., and Carver, J. "Usefulness of a Human Error Identification Tool for Requirements Inspection: An Experience Report", 23rd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. REFSQ 2017. Essen, Germany. Feb. 27 - March 2, 2017
[Acceptance Rate=32.4%] [PDF]
O   bpa9 Exemplary CS Educational Research Paper Award
Anu, V.
, Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G. "Incorporating Human Error Education into Software Engineering Courses via Error-based Inspections", 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2017. March 8 – 11, 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA. [PDF]
[Acceptance Rate=30%] 

O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Hu, W., Carver, J., and Bradshaw, G. “Error Abstraction Accuracy and Fixation during Error-based Requirements Inspections”, Fast Abstract Track at 27th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops. ISSREW 2016. [PDF]
O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Hu, W., Carver, J., and Bradshaw, G. “Using a Cognitive Psychology Perspective on Errors to Improve Requirements Quality: An Empirical Investigation”, 27th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. ISSRE 2016. Ottawa, Canada. [PDF]
[Acceptance Rate = 35%] 
O   Anu, V., Walia, G., Hu, W., Carver, J., and Bradshaw, G. “Effectiveness of Human Error Taxonomy during Requirements Inspection: An Empirical Investigation”, 2016 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. SEKE 2016. San Francisco, California, USA. [PDF]
[Acceptance Rate=29.7%] 
O   Hu, W., Carver, J., Anu, V., Walia, G., and Bradshaw, G. “Detection of Requirement Errors and Faults via a Human Error Taxonomy: A Feasibility Study”, 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ESEM 2016. [PDF]
[Acceptance Rate: 22%]

DOI = 10.1145/2961111.2962596
O   Anu, V., Hu, W., Walia, G., Carver, J., and Bradshaw, G. “Development of A Taxonomy of Requirements Phase Human Errors Using a Systematic Literature Review: A Technical Report”, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. Technical Report, 2016. [PDF]  


"In a humble state, you learn better. I can't find anything else very exciting about humility, but at least there's that." ~ John Dooner

© Copyright Vaibhav Anu

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